Thursday, October 23, 2008


I thought it was very interesting that this book started off with a statistic that says that schools pretty much do nothing for children and then goes on to try and prove that stat wrong. I'm sure it is wrong but still...I guess it did do the job of capturing my attention. 
I also wanted to write about the school I went to today. I went to Mr. Jorgensen's class at Timpanogos High School. Although all the students were doing was catching up on their work before the quarter ended I was really impressed with his organization skills. He has created lesson plans that are so thought out and structured perfectly that he doesn't have to spend his time scrambling around for something to teach or show the kids. The one thing I didn't like about his class was the fact that lots of the students finished the assignments and spent most of the period playing games. I really wouldn't care if my students played computer games if they finished their work and it was the last 10 min. of class or something. This was about 5 kids playing computer games for 45 min. of the class. I think if you have a few students that are catching on really well that is great and you should have something extra for them to do or send them on to the next assignment and give them a challenge.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I thought that the STL teaching was pretty good. I think that for the most part I dont know that will specifically remember the lessons for each grade. I will just remember that general thing. But I think through learning these STL's we have defined "technology" better. I think because we have really thought about technology as more than just electronics, our views have changed on that front.
I went to Timpview High School last week. I thought Mr. Valora was pretty good. The thing I liked most about him was the way he treated not the students that were listening to class but how he treated the one who wasn't. He had a student that was doing horrible in his class and he told me that he took him aside and he made a plan with him to get him back on track. He didn't just decide to fail him which the kid probably deserved, but he decided to give him a second chance and try to help him get a passing grade.